Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Week 5 - back on track

Back in West Wales again after our short break and had a really great weekend.

Ann and John arrived Friday night whilst the Murphys travelled down Saturday morning. Brains Snr went pottering around Cardigan for the afternoon before we arrived so Amanda and I did our favourite walk along the beech, through the lanes (via the pink pub) and staggered back to base (via Ann and Emms caraven - nice to see all the old faces again).

Funny Saturday really because everyone was in bed before 11 o'clock - the clocks going forward have yet to work through everyones system as yet but after a good nights sleep everyone was raring to go the next day. Apart from the kids of course who hold walking in the same regard as Dracula does Garlic bread.

So after a Sundy morning film - much tutted by John and Amanda due to a bit of swearing but ultimately judged a really funny film (keeping mum) off to Cors Caron we went - beautiful day but its still bloody cold. This is one of our favourite walks on a Sunday, pretty short, always intersting things to see and completely flat.

Next weekend is Easter - so hopefully should be a good time - not quite surfing weather just yet but I sense the smell of charcoal in the air (or possibly the clutch is on the way out.)

Amanda on our lanes walk

Aperitifs at the pink pub

Enjoying the neighbors errr hospitality

Amanda and John Jostling for space on the settee

Ann - "assuming the classic position"

Cors Caron - Ann enduring the walk of shame for being caught in public in totally unfasionable gear

Cors- Caron - what a lovely place

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