Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Week 10 - Classic BBQ

Another Saturday morning hike for the Murphys as we drop into the breakfast van in Brecon who by now knows where we're heading for every weekend and get to the caravan just before dinner.

The weather is ok but not great so we decide to go to Aberystwyth for a nose about - the kids stay in the caravan as both Bethan and Bronwyn have exams shortly and get on with their studying while we leave them in peace .

Aberystwyth is a strange place, a mix of Victorian houses and promenades belonging to another era, offset by youthful student exhuberance - here we see two somewhat mature hippy types chilling out in the spring breeze

Anyways - after a quick pint in Wetherspoons me and John buy two 10 kilo sacks of prime Welsh Charcoal and carry them half way accross the town before making our way back to caravan HQ.

Typically, after buying two such huge sacks of the blackstuff and getting the BBQ fired up, I realise the charcoal was not so much prime as 'volatile' and for the first half an hour it cracked and spat at anyone brave enough to get within its lethal perimeter - it was a sort of localised metor storm for a while and now everyone has fleeces like Gorgonzola where the hot coals burn through the height of valleys fashion, however once things had calmed down we whitnessed Classic Caravan BBQ conditions. Here in a few short steps we see the evolution of a BBQ from one man, a can of beer and a box of matches to, in the space of a few short hours, the full caravan BBQ party experience.

The chef gets to work (or Homer Does BBQ)

Chilled out chat (Jane Ayre a good start)

The Crowds start to tak

e notice

Full party status acheived

After the BBQ had died down everyone moved over to Annes caravan where the party continued until Jayne from next door had to be carried home by Clive (who had all been watching the FA cup up the club in the afternoon at a pound a pint past 3) in the early hours of the morning.

The following day was not a pretty sight and dishes that no one had noticed the night before now stretched before us like some great foreboding mountain.

Chores done and normal signs of life starting to exhibit themselves once again, we went for our custommary walk around the lanes on a Sunday morning whilst the kids again revised and practiced their instruments.

A walk in the fresh sea air always seems to do everyone the power of good and after a lovely dinner of Fajitas, Salad and Chicken drumsticks we began contemplating the journey home again.

A fun weekend again then but one that takes its toll through the week with bleary eyes and lack of sleep starting to take its toll until about Wednesday.

Never mind - no caravan for the Murphys next weekend so we'll leave with a photo of Cei Bach just to remember what we've got to look forward to.

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