Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Week 26 - School in the morning

Shot up the van on Friday afternoon with Clive in tow as the girls come to the end of their summer holidays - was really looking forward to seeing everyone again and had big plans for the night but after one can was in bed zzzzzzzzzz by 10 o'clock. Its a funny thing being home on your own - everything peaceful in the house - no knees in your back at bed time but you know somethings not right and walking around the house at all hours through the week seems to have taken its toll - never mind theres always tommorrow.

Saturday comes and with Ann and John due later on after a wedding on Saturday morning normal harmony/chaos of caravan life is restored - so is the weather to utterly foul so what else is there to do - me and Clive go up the club to watch some rugby. After last weeks episode we restrict ourselves to 4 pints but the effect is virtually the same as eventually after trying valiantly to stay awake for the duration another early night beckons. This does not stop everyone getting through a healthy amount of wine but it has been a long week.

Sunday morning and the weather has completely changed although the wind is quite strong. I go for a walk along the beach on my own which is fantastic place when everthing is so quiet - for the first time since we've been here I get to see some terns diving into the water although photographing them is virtually impossible in the strong wind. Afterwards we all decide to go out and make our way to Cors Caron which is equally windy but still quite warm and it is always an interesting place to go. This week it seemd to be week of the lizards as the tiny reptiles sun themselves along the paths through the marshes - quite surreal really.

Aunty Cath is coming to stay next week so after a lovely cooked dinner its time to scrub up the van and leave things ship shape for her visit and also leave the impression that the van is always this tidy..... ahem. This meant we didn't leave until lateish which got even later for the Murphys as I insisted on following my new toy (TomTom) home which took us through uncharted lanes where we got stood up by a startled rabbit who refused to budge and added a good 15 minutes to the trip home. Never mind everyone makes it home safe and sound and after a break next week we should all be in better shape for Autumn in caravan land which can be the best time of the year as the Autumn storms drive in huge waves, the beaches become deserted and the changing colours of the leaves give us some stunning walks if only I can stay awake that long.

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